Note - internet's quite slow. the picture's will come when the come.
Note - just spent a long time REALLY late in the night uploading these pics here. More later.
So I guess it's time for a little pictorial update. It's been almost a week since I got to my project site in Bagar, Rajasthan. And it's been a series of ups and downs. Dealing with the heat, but liking the good. Connecting with the rest of the team members, and discovering with the indifference and cynicism of some (many?) of the locals here. Discovering some very peaceful temples, and contending with the completely whacked sleep cycle (maybe it's the heat, I don't know).
Now, this week has been all about going out into Bagar and getting a taste for it. More importantly, there hasn't been any picture taking. So, this pictoral update is largely going to be taking you through orientation.

Saw this pic on the amazing race. It reads, "Technology Japani, Dil Hindustani" i.e. Japanese Technology, Indian Heart
Map that Indicorps put together outlining all the projects Indicorps has done so far. We are the big round circle of red dots in the Northwest (state of Rajasthan).

A close up, detailing all the projects for 2006-2007
So, one of the NGOs that Indicorps is closely aligned to is one called 'Manav Sadhna' that works quite closely with the Gandhian philosphy. The founder, Jayesh Bhai, also happens to be the son of Ishwar Kaka, who is the director of the Environmental Santitation Insitute (where our orientation was taking place). Anyways - Jayesh Bhai had come to give a discourse on a service-related topic. Before starting, one of the Manav Sadhna volunteers had made this 'rangoli' - a traditional Indian thing where you make designs/patterns using colours - with the Manav Sadhna motto - Love All, Serve All. As you can probably tell, they serve all faiths.

Jayesh Bhai and I. This was while he was giving us a tour of HridayKunj - Gandhiji's house at Gandhi Ashram. Most famous as the place where the Salt March started.

Gandhiji's office, with all the original furniture. I remember the place having quite a feel of reverence to it. Maybe it was in my head - still a powerful place to be in.

So, Ishwar Kaka is part of the Ahmedabad Laughing Club - a group of guys who exercise and believe in the power of laugh. A lot of their laughing exercises are really goofy - so if you're not laughing with them, you're definitely laughing at them. Can't question the efficacy of that approach though. Good times, good times

Last couple of days of orientation - a list of all the information sessions we had

This is me with the campus manager of the place - Jaidev Bhai. He can be a pretty goofy character, and him and I really got along. This is us goofing around on the morning of when I left for Jaipur/Bagar.
This is actually in Bagar. I have titled this one "Feast". Sheel, if you're reading this, I'm sure that like me, you couldn't help but think that 'Vando Nathi' has a pretty good life to look forward to.

Sunrise in Bagar the next morning taken from the place we're staying in. I did some sharpening or whatever to the image - the colours are all untouched.

Pigeons flocking at sunrise on top of the water tank.