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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Also - Did you know my article got published?

The strangest things happen man. I just did it to satisfy a documentation requirement.



I should do a better job with these huh – who knew those crazy guys would publish it?


Also - Did you know my article got published?

The strangest things happen man. I just did it to satisfy a documentation requirement.



I should do a better job with these huh – who knew those crazy guys would publish it?


Watch a video!

It’s an Indicorps video, yah. But think – I wouldn’t be going through this trouble on rural India quality Internet if it didn’t mean anything to me. Sending e-mail here is true love J




What are you willing to do for CHANGE?


APPLY NOW to the Indicorps Fellowship at http://apply.indicorps.org.  Applications are now available for fellowship classes starting January and August 2008.  Prospective fellows must be of Indian origin with a college degree or five years equivalent work experience. Visit www.indicorps.org to learn more about Indicorps, the Indicorps Fellowship program, or other grassroots service opportunities.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What are you willing to do for change?

Hi all. I know this one year has been a phenomenally transformational year in my life. I would want to share this with other individuals who would want to challenge themselves with the same experience, while truly taking part in India's development.

Applications for the Indicorps fellowship are now up. Please do pass this on to any of your friends/colleagues who you think might be interested. I can be reached anytime via e-mail, or on my mobile here: +91 9828 73 6464

- Ashish


What are you willing to do for CHANGE?

Indicorps encourages aspiring leaders to engage in intense grassroots development opportunities that explore the promise of leadership and challenge individuals to leverage their skills and talents to address India's pressing needs.  The Indicorps Fellowship program is designed to provide one-of-a-kind transformational experiences, emphasizing both public service and personal growth. Indicorps participants choose their projects and are placed with thoroughly evaluated community-based organizations for one or two years. All fellows will participate in a four-week orientation program, strengthen their understanding of leadership/change through regular workshops, and are actively supported by Indicorps and partner organizations.

APPLY NOW to the Indicorps Fellowship at http://apply.indicorps.org.  Applications are now available for fellowship classes starting January and August 2008.  Prospective fellows must be of Indian origin with a college degree or five years equivalent work experience. Visit www.indicorps.org to learn more about Indicorps, the Indicorps Fellowship program, or other grassroots service opportunities.