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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sometimes its the smallest things...

That make you happy.

For example, while trying to clean out my room a few days ago (probably because I couldn't find something), I ran across two old DVDs that I'd burnt before leaving Atlanta - with all my music on them. Well, the English music DVD had never worked(I guess it got scratched or something), so I was never able to get any music offa it. But now, today, I still wasn'ta ble to get all of it, but so much of the older stuff DID come back.

In other news, I spoke with my mom and dad and my sister over skype on Sunday, and it was great. Just having video is such an amazing value proposition.

All I can think of now is: man, I could make a cybercafe work in this town!

- Ashish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was going through one of my phases when I get restless about wanting to 'do something' and I googled for 'doing something about healthcare in india' .. and google turned up with your blog, from where I read about Piramal-GDL.

I'm a Doctor (MBBS) .. about to finish my internship in May this year. Working in Delhi. Having studied medicine in Europe and then seeing the conditions in government hospitals here, I couldnt help being affected by the contrast.

Let alone the rural population, even the poor in urban centres are equally marginalized.
But most of the problems that I seem to notice like lack of medicines/equipment/ambulances; I feel that I can't do much about them at my level.

Part of me feels that it is acceptable to have this level of healthcare in a smaller place, but this is the capital of the country, people from all over come here with the hope of getting good treatment and what we give them is overcrowded hospitals and insufficient medicines.

But not being able to do anything about it is equally frustrating.

I was particularly interested in the Healthcare work being done by GDL. If there is any way in which you think I could help, even if only with ideas/suggestions I would be quite grateful.

On the GDL blog - Lisa mentioned something about women being reluctant to take iron pills. I noticed that during my posting at a primary health centre on the outskirts of Delhi. Have you considered giving them iron syrup instead of pills? Some might prefer that.. they equate it to an 'energy tonic' and would be more accepting. Of course you will have to work out the cost etc. You could do a trial with half of your group recieving pills and the other half the tonic and then check which group has been more compliant.

An idea I'd just like to share..

Do you have any healthcare professionals in your team?

You might find this website interesting http://www.globalideasbank.org/

Do get in touch
sona [underscore] vaid [at] yahoo [dot] com
