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Friday, March 07, 2008

Busy with Eye Camp...But Humour has its place

I had to write this down for posterity, more than anything else.

So, as part of the eye camp we're conducting in Bagar, we had a doctor come teach school teachers how to test small kids (primary school level) for eyesight problems. The kids who have problems will come to camp, get professionally tested and then get free eyeglases.

All the schools came back with 10 or 20, max 25 cases. One school comes back with 45. This, is obviously strange.

So Kim, the health intern who's leading this eye camp, goes back to test them yesterday. It turns out, that the teacher got students who had glasses to take off their glasses and then tested their vision.

Kim tried to point out the obvious problem. The teacher said, "oh yes, you know, you're right. Those kids with glasses are probably already aware of this stuff".


बगड़ मे 11 साल बाद पहली बार पीरामल ई-स्वास्थ्य और पीरामल फाउंडेशन ला रहा है निःशुल्क नेत्र चिकित्सा शिविर एवं निःशुल्क मोतियाबिन्द का औपरेशन - इस रविवार 9 मार्च 2008 को। रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रातः 8 बजे से 12 बजे तक।

तत् पश्चात नेत्र जांच और रात में मोतियाबिन्द का औपरेशन किया जाएगा।

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